Pompeii the time machine

Do you want to feel what it was like in the Roman’s times?

Well, you should visit Pompeii, the only Roman city in world where you can have this experience. Destroyed and buried by the Vesuvius eruption the city has conserved an ancient world.

Its ruins are a time machine where if you switch the bottom, you can go back 2000 years. Doing that you will see where the romans lived their daily lives.

Visiting Pompeii you will be fascinated by an epoch that seems far away in time but is closer than you think. The richly decorated houses and the sophisticated thermal baths will amaze you.

Arriving at the city centre surrounded by marble decorations, columns and public building you will enjoy a beautiful Vesuvius landscape.

Someone once said: “Pompeii is the most lively of dead towns”. It makes sense because when you will walk on its streets you will have the sensation that life is still going on.

You’ll think that you can see people while they buy, sell, eat and drink at the shops. This town still conserves its lights and shades so you will see its sophistication, elegance and richness but at same time its dark and hot sides.

Visiting this ancient and precious casket that is still partly unknown you will live an unforgettable experience.

100% Private tour

2 h

Tour in English

Walking tour

Private transportation from the hotel or other public point on request and to quote

Meeting point at Porta Marina Superiore Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Admission tickets not included

From 38€ (min. 4 persons)

Reservations and info

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 17 reviews)
Very good0%

Prima esperienza a Pompei

23 June 2024

Non immaginavamo che Pompei fosse così bella, ricca di storia, caratteristica e piena di significato.

La nostra esperienza è stata resa ancor più intensa grazie all’esperta guida di Dario, che ha saputo catturare l’attenzione di adulti e bambini, accendendo nuovi interessi e curiosità ad ogni angolo!

Grazie Dario!!

Anna e Corrado


visita a Pompei con Dario

30 March 2024

Visita coinvolgente sia per noi adulti, che per il nostro ragazzo. Tante informazioni utili e tante curiosità che da soli non avremmo mai potuto apprezzare e che hanno reso la visita ancora più interessante e piacevole


Great day in Pompei !

19 February 2024

I arranged to visit Pompei with a group of 20 people on occasion of my wedding on the Amalfi Coast. Dario has been recommended and we were very impressed by his service. Very easy to arrange all logistics from England as he answered all my queries promptly through WhatsApp and helped arranging our lunch on site too. He made the two hour tour very interesting and pleasant explaining all the facts with a bit of entertainment too. His English is great and everyone, adult and children had a great time! I definitely recommend him. Grazie Dario.


“Five Stars for a Memorable Experience in Pompeii: An Exceptional Tour Guide for Young and Old!”

6 October 2023

We were fortunate to have the perfect tour guide for our Pompeii adventure, which included 6 adults and 5 lively children. Not only was the guide informative and engaging for the adults, but she also managed to capture the attention and enthusiasm of the younger ones.

The guide maintained a perfect balance between history and entertainment, making the visit interesting for all ages. He told fascinating stories and anecdotes that made Pompeii a living place in front of our eyes.

His ability to engage the children, turning history into an exciting adventure, was truly outstanding. Our little explorers were enthusiastic and never lost interest, which made the whole experience enjoyable for the parents.

In addition, the guide skillfully managed our large group, keeping an appropriate pace for our diverse composition.

In short, this tour guide was the key to an extraordinary visit to Pompeii for our entire extended family. His expertise, passion, and attention to detail made this a five-star experience for all of us. We highly recommend this guide for an unforgettable experience in Pompeii for young and old alike.


Pompei ai giorni nostri

3 September 2023

Esperienza emozionante la visita agli scavi, ma davvero unica se accompagnata dai racconti coinvolgenti ed esperti di Dario.

Ha catturato l’attenzione di tutti, grandi e adolescenti, nonostante il caldo intenso del 23 agosto!

Grazie! Il tempo è volato!

Super consigliato!


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